The ‘ASSOCIAZIONE GUIDE CULTURALI DI CUGGIONO’ was founded by a group of local volunteers in 2010 who were willing to share their appreciation of Villa Annoni, its gardens, its history and other local artistic attractions in the Cuggiono and Castelletto area by completing a training course organized by the local Municipality.
April 10th, 2010 – Awarding Ceremony for the Cultural Local Guides of Cuggiono
Our aim is to unable visitors of all ages to appreciate the Villa Annoni complex and its 23 hectare gardens, the second– largest fenced park in Lombardy after that of Villa Reale in Monza.
We intend to promote these local treasures which belong to our community while constantly studying its past which never fails to astonish us.
According to the Association President, our purpose is to rediscover the history and works of art and our fascinating landscape through our guided tours, events, exhibitions, workshops etc.
Another important aspect of our mission is to enhance mutual appreciation of our heritage through close collaboration with the Municipality and our local associations.